Nov 042008

It’s now almost 11pm on election day. In an effort to prove that we don’t need the traditional radio and TV news, I haven’t listened to a stitch of either all day. I got home from my Russian class a half hour ago, and didn’t turn on the radio the entire way there or back. (It’s a drive of about 1.25 hours each way.) I figure that when there are any results, some blogger will let me know. So I’m keeping half an eye on my RSS feeds.

If I thought the pogroms might begin already tonight, I’d want to know right away. But I find it hard to believe that they will begin before inauguration day. So it should be safe to take a little nap before checking back.

P.S. Somebody might ask, “Where do the bloggers get their news. Don’t they need the traditional media in order to have something to report?” The answer is no, we don’t need to think about that. Politicians now think of wealth as something that just exists to be confiscated and distributed. If they don’t need to worry about where it comes from, neither do we need to concern ourselves with where bloggers get the news they disseminate. It’s a non-issue.