Apr 112009

The lead headline in the weekend WSJ says, “Jobs Maintains Grip at Apple.”

There are two problems with that headline:

1. It’s too metaphorical to be the product of hard-nosed, professional journalists.

2. It’s contradicted by the article itself. The only people it’s going to fool are those who read only the headline.

If you look inside the article, you learn that Steve Jobs “…remains closely involved in key aspects…has continued to work on the company’s most important strategies and products from home…is also involved in the development…”

Those are weasel words. Anyone who has ever read a job applicant’s resume is going to ask questions about the type of “involvement.” If, that is, the applicant is ever lucky enough to be granted an interview on the basis of such vague words. Any applicant who actually managed a project or played any key role at all is going to use better words than “involved” if s/he expects to actually get an interview.