Nov 212008

Interview with Robert Novak

He’s great, as always. Here is just one nugget out of many good ones: ”

A: I was very negative about the invasion of Iraq. That’s another subject I should have written more about, explained more. I thought the war was unjustified. But my stand led to a Novak-hates-his-country piece in the National Review, which caused me a lot of grief and cut me off at the White House. I should have explained more about why I took the position I did. I probably should have written more about foreign policy in general. If I told you I accomplished some huge feat, it wouldn’t be true. But I’m not ashamed of what I’ve written. I stand by it.

(I wish I had said more, too.)

Ezra Levant: “Anti-Christian bigot Lori Andreachuk quietly moved out of HRC

So in Canada, you can still get rewarded for human rights abuse. Just the same, I wish all of this was getting some coverage in the U.S. press. We’re supposed to be all excited in anticipation that the Obama presidency will make other countries like us again. But the same people who tell us to care more about what other countries think are paying zero attention to a huge free speech issue in Canada.

Stocks Could Stabilize After Election

A news item from November 3, in the “Happy Days Are Here Again” department.