Oct 102009

A Leviathan Ankle-Biter award goes to the hillbilly Amishman that Ira Wagler met in the south end of Lancaster County, PA.

I never heard of Ira Wagler before today, but I’ll be following his blog from now on. Erik Wesner of Amish America introduced me to it. The article about his experience in the south end is great. Ira was raised Amish, but experienced a bit of culture shock among the Amish down there, and is both funny and informative as he tells you about it. It’s great even without the Ankle-Biter bit.

Here’s something I posted on Erik’s blog about it, though:

BTW, regarding the Amishman who may once have had a run-in with a zoning officer, I am reminded that when I stop on my bike rides to take photos of houses and farms along the way, the places where I’m likely to have someone come out of the house yelling at me, asking what I’m doing, are the places that are somewhat rundown. I don’t know for sure why that is, but given that I myself live on a place that has sometimes been in a state of suspicious compliance with state and local ordinances, I can understand. BTW, these people who confront me also tend to be some of the more interesting characters I meet.