Apr 062008

I probably should credit someone for putting a great idea in my head, but I don’t remember who. Maybe it’s George Will, who got me thinking about price-fixers such as Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama.

With the command-and-control propensity of contemporary liberalism, Clinton predictably advocates a policy that has a record, running from Roman times to the present, that is unblemished by success. It is the policy of price controls: Her proposed five-year freeze on interest rates would be a control on the price of money.

Despite this “unblemished” record, there are probably people out there who think they are smart enough to make such controls work.

Well, if they’re so smart, let them practice on their own, first. Some of us think government is too expensive. Let them put a freeze on the amount of money government is allowed to take in. No cuts in “services,” no layoffs, just put a freeze on the price of government. Then, after they use their brilliance to get that to work, they can talk to us about putting freezes on private-sector transactions.